A technique for adding custom styles and links to individual sidebar widget titles using jQuery methods to select elements by their content.
Tag: Twitter
Sidebar Pages In WordPress
Posted in Technology, wordpress on Feb 16th, 2011
There are a lot of WordPress plugins that will put a Popular Posts widget in your blog’s sidebar. But, they all return different results. Here’s how to create a sidebar widget that will feature the posts you want to highlight.
I just finished a major project for Tom Watson, author of CauseWired, converting his website, onPhilanthropy.com, from a custom CMS to Wordpress. The new site, built on the Arthemia Premium theme, features modifications enabling it to carry ads from multiple sources, RSS feeds from companion sites and customized widget titles.
Reflections on the NY TImes article: A.P. Cracks Down on Unpaid Use of Articles on Web and Informed Sources, by Willard S. Bain, a revolutionary, hallucinogenic novel about the AP written in the late 1960s.
Two New Browsers
Posted in General, Technology on Oct 29th, 2008
Two new Web browsers have recently become available for exploring the Internet. Google Chrome and Flock take radically different approaches to the browsing experience and I recommend you take a look at them when you get a chance.