Federal Criminal Practice Blog
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Sep 18th, 2009
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Sep 18th, 2009
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Jul 31st, 2009
Humintell.com, a website project I worked on this past Spring for the Landsman Communications Group recently launched. Humintell is about Microexpression Analysis—the understanding of the underlying emotions of people by looking for universal facial expressions that flick on and off in less than a second. I built the Humintell website using Wordpress, modifying the Minimal theme to match the graphical design, typography and layout from graphic designer, Dean Meyers.
Ann Phelan has a dream job. She facilitates and books vacations to two of the best islands in the Caribbean, Bonaire and Antigua. I recently helped Ann create two sites: BonaireBliss.com and AntiguaBliss.com, to share her love of these two wonderful destinations.
Tom Watson’s New Critics blog, had been hacked and he needed someone to rescue it. The site had been built on an old version of Wordpress and lived on a hosting service that Tom was no longer happy with. I was able to recover and export his content to rebuild the blog on a modern platform. Tom was back in business in a little more than a day.
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Jan 14th, 2008
This blog, subtitled: A Movement to Lift the Lid on Pennsylvania Government is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association. I did the blog installation and configuration using WordPress, adapting and modifying a third party theme. I worked under contract to Howard Greenstein who provided the association with the online strategy and training to make them bloggers. The project was conceived and designed by BravoGroup, a specialist in government communications.
Posted in Business, Portfolio, Technology, websites, wordpress on Nov 24th, 2007
The Partnership For Prescription Assistance, Pennsylvania, blog. The client wanted a three column design incorporating a Google Calendar listing events in the campaign. Building this site taught me how sidebars are generated in Wordpress. My favorite bit, however, is the ShareThis widget attached to the end of each post.