Category: Opinion

Health Care – What is it, anyway?

President Obama has disappointed by delivering health care proposals that amount to small fixes to the existing regime while the public wants big changes to end a complex and cruel system. This amount to a grand failure of vision.

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The A.P. and Informed Sources

Informed_sources_coverReflections on the NY TImes article: A.P. Cracks Down on Unpaid Use of Articles on Web and Informed Sources, by Willard S. Bain, a revolutionary, hallucinogenic novel about the AP written in the late 1960s.

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Google announced their plan to introduce the Google Chrome OS into the market for PC operating systems. Essentially, it’s a Web OS that intelligently integrates on-line and local resources to provide a slick interface for managing all the content consumption, creation and sharing we routinely do. Larry Aronson examines some of the possible consequences.

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