I’m proud to announce that I’m a contributing author of a new Web 3, community book project: The Most Amazing Marketing Book Ever by Mark Schaefer & Friends. Our book is jammed packed with marketing concepts and ideas from 36 experts. My chapter is “The Magic Of SEO.” The book is available in paperback, audio and Kindle versions.
Category: Featured
The Creator Economy Goes Social
Posted in Featured, Technology on Jun 27th, 2022
Posted in Featured, plugins, ShortCodes on Nov 3rd, 2021
This page is my testbed for a plugin I wrote called, ListenUp. It provides shortcodes for using the JavaScript VoiceSynthesis A P I. [ListenUpCustom name="Details"]Hear More[/ListenUpCustom]
Secure websites that insure user privacy and data integrity are becoming the standard. Learn about the 5 reasons for migrating your website to SSL/https and how to prepare the coming changes that will split the Web into secure and un-secure domains.
Fovia.com Website Launched With Stunning Images
Posted in Featured, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Jan 23rd, 2017
I’m delighted to announce the launching of the new Fovia Inc. website. Fovia Inc. provides software development kits and related services for high-quality, high-speed 3D image rendering. The kind of image data that’s output by MRI, CT and industrial scanning machines.
What made this website so fascinating (and exciting to work on) are thousands of high resolution medical, archeological and industrial images showcasing the power and flexibility of Fovia’s XStream® HDVR® product.
Announcing the launch of The Power of Music an eight-part, multimedia, professional development course for music educators. The video series and website provide an introduction to El Sistema, the pioneering approach to music education and illuminate the ways it is being adapted for in the U.S.
The website was developed for WNET / Thirteen public television with support from the Annenberg foundation. It features over 45 videos and 3 interactive applications. The website’s graphic design was done by Michael Pinto of vm.com with additional graphics by Gwen Singley.
How to pick a winning startup to work for. There are basic skillsets that all businesses need to have in place in order to grow and make a profit. Here are the five skills considered critical to any business, including startups.
A friend and client asks a question regarding a call he received from his hosting company, GoDaddy, about upgrading his hosting account.