Federal Criminal Practice Blog
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Sep 18th, 2009
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Sep 18th, 2009
Posted in Business, Technology on Aug 24th, 2009
Thinking of starting a Website to publish your thoughts or promote your business? While you can create “a site in just minutes – No HTML necessary!”, knowing the basics of the Web’s markup language and how it provides information to search robots about your site, influencing your site’s ranking, will give you an edge in building your online business.
Posted in Business, Portfolio, websites, wordpress on Jul 31st, 2009
Humintell.com, a website project I worked on this past Spring for the Landsman Communications Group recently launched. Humintell is about Microexpression Analysis—the understanding of the underlying emotions of people by looking for universal facial expressions that flick on and off in less than a second. I built the Humintell website using Wordpress, modifying the Minimal theme to match the graphical design, typography and layout from graphic designer, Dean Meyers.
Reflections on the NY TImes article: A.P. Cracks Down on Unpaid Use of Articles on Web and Informed Sources, by Willard S. Bain, a revolutionary, hallucinogenic novel about the AP written in the late 1960s.
Posted in Business, Opinion, Technology on Jul 8th, 2009
Google announced their plan to introduce the Google Chrome OS into the market for PC operating systems. Essentially, it’s a Web OS that intelligently integrates on-line and local resources to provide a slick interface for managing all the content consumption, creation and sharing we routinely do. Larry Aronson examines some of the possible consequences.
The EasyOffice is a Cloud Computing service started by Philip Meese. Building this Website was fun! It features nice drop-menus, javascript sliding content effects and a couple of cool plugins for SEO and site management.
WWW — Should we continue to use the www. prefix in our Web addresses?
Ann Phelan has a dream job. She facilitates and books vacations to two of the best islands in the Caribbean, Bonaire and Antigua. I recently helped Ann create two sites: BonaireBliss.com and AntiguaBliss.com, to share her love of these two wonderful destinations.